Dinosaur Planet Wiki

Quetzalcoatlus is an azhdarchid pterosaur known from the Late Cretaceous of North America (Maastrichtian stage) and one of the largest known flying animals of all time. It is a member of the family Azhdarchidae, a family of advanced toothless pterosaurs with unusually long, stiffened necks. Its name comes from the Mesoamerican feathered serpent god, Quetzalcoatl. It is shown to be one of the victims of the volcanic eruption in Little Das' Hunt.

In Dinosaur Planet[]

Episode 3[]

Quetzalcoatlus was first seen flying over a herd of Orodromeus, but were of little concern to the dinosaurs.

Later, the flock arrive at a dying volcano to nest (unknowingly leading a trio of Troodon to it too), but later abandon the cliffs when geysers exploded from it. Several fell victim to more geysers directly from the ground, though at least one seems to have lived.

Finally one Quetzalcoatlus crash-landed right in front of the Daspletosaurus family: having been killed by a geyser. Little Das walked to it and took a whiff, only to wretch from an odor it was emanating (thanks to the geyser) and the tyrannosaurs decide to leave it.


  • Quetzalcoatlus was actually five to ten million years younger, so it wouldn't have come in contact with any of the dinosaurs shown in the episode (except Troodon who was also chronologically misplaced). A more accurate alternative would be Montanazhdarcho, which was already known by then (but probably not in full detail).
  • It was said by the narrator that Quetzalcoatlus feeds on fish at the ocean, though few believe it was a fish-eater anymore, and its fossils were typically found away from any ocean.
  • Quetzalcoatlus lived in the Mastrichtian (70-66 million years), not in the Campanian (83-71 million years).
  • The Quetzalcoatlus featured in Dinosaur Planet is depicted as being smaller than its real life counterpart, with a 21-foot wingspan as opposed to a 33 to 40-foot wingspan, roughly half the size of the real animal.


  • Quetzalcoatlus was said to have a wingspan as big as a World War 2 fighter-plane, which is actually true: the Supermarine Spitfire has the same wingspan.
  • This show's model was re-used in Discovery Channel's science fiction documentary Dino Lab but with a different color scheme.

